Deep Words July 21-27

Cards (24)

  • Reciprocity
    This word goes beyond its dictionary definition and captures a meaningful action. It describes the act of mutual exchange, where you give and receive in equal measure. It's about fostering a balanced relationship where both parties contribute and benefit.
  • Solidify
    This verb takes on a deeper meaning when used in the context of relationships or values. Solidify describes the act of strengthening something over time, making it firm and stable. In relationships, it's the act of deepening your connection with someone through shared experiences and trust. With values, it's the act of reinforcing your beliefs and principles through consistent action.
  • Sublime
    This word describes something awe-inspiring and overwhelming in its grandeur or power. It's a beauty that evokes strong emotions and may even be a little frightening.
  • Philia
    This word describes a deep friendship, affection, and camaraderie. It's a love built on shared interests, mutual respect, and a sense of loyalty.

    Similar words: Amity, camaraderie, fellow feeling
  • Storge
    This word describes a natural, affectionate love, often seen between family members. It's a love based on familiarity, shared history, and a sense of belonging. Familial Love

    Similar words: Kinship, attachment, fondness
  • Eros
    This word describes passionate, romantic love. It's characterized by intense emotions, physical attraction, and a strong desire for intimacy. Romantic Love
    Similar words: Ardor, fervor, infatuation
  • Jibe
    • To agree or be compatible with something
    • To be in harmony or accord
    • In informal contexts, it can also mean to tease or mock someone in a playful way.
  • Ignominious
    Shameful or humiliating
  • Anagapesis
    Loss of feelings for someone who you loved
  • Abstruse
    This word describes something difficult to understand because it's obscure or complex.
  • Absquatulate
    Leaving without saying goodbye
  • Knave
    A dishonest or unprincipled person, often one who deceives others for personal gain.
    Cheater, rogue, deceiver, scoundrel
  • Laggard
    Someone who falls behind or makes slow progress.
  • Oasis
    A shelter serving as a place of safety or sanctuary
  • Petulant
    Bad-tempered and sulky, especially in a childish way. Peevish
  • Akrasia
    Lack of self-control
  • Bitchilante
    being mean only to people who deserve it
  • Redamancy
    refers to the act of loving back someone who loves you
  • Qualm
    feeling of uneasiness or doubt
    worry, hesitation
  • Stoic
    someone who is indifferent to pleasure or pain and shows little emotion. They emphasize reason and self-control over feelings.
  • Sanguine
    someone who is cheerfully optimistic and confident, especially about the future.
  • Toadyperson who flatters someone in a way that is insincere or dishonorable, usually to gain something from them.
  • Nadir
    the lowest point of something, especially its achievement, prosperity, or influence.
  • Swarthy
    Having a dark-hued or dark-complexioned skin.