Cards (14)

  • It’s the way your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors affect your life
    Mental Health
  • Have a real fear of weight gain
  • People might binge eat ( Eat to excess)
  • The ability to understand, use and manage our emotions
    Emotional Intelligence
  • Emotional Intelligence is sometimes called as
    EQ (or EI)
  • This everyday feeling is the most basic of all the EQ skills.
    Being aware of your emotions
  • People are naturally designed to try to understand other
    Understanding how other feel and why
  • Being able to imagine what emotions a person is likely to be feeling is called
  • Help us care about others and build good friendships and relationships.
  • Managing your reaction means knowing when, where and how to express yourself.
    Managing emotional reactions
  • Mood are emotional states that last a bit
    Choosing your mood
  • Behaving passively means not expressing your own needs and feelings, or expressing them so weakly that they will not be addressed.
    Passive response
  • Behaving aggressively is asking for what you want or saying how you feel in a threatening, sarcastic or humiliating way that may offend the other person(s)
    Aggressive response
  • Asking for what you want or saying how you feel in an honest and respectful way that does not infringe on another person's rights or put the individual down.
    Assertive response