Epidermis - Dead cells, keratin and phagocytic immune cells
Dermis - Thick layer of connective tissue, collagen and blood vessels and phagocytic immune cells
Dendritic cells - A special type of immune cell that is found in tissues, such as the skin, and boosts immune responses by showing antigens on its surface to other cells of the immune system
Cell walls have specific proteins that recognise building blocks common in particular species, sending signals to increase gene transcription and produce response proteins
How lymphatic vessels contribute to immune surveillance
Transport lymphatic fluid containing white blood cells, antigens, and other immune components throughout the body, facilitating movement of immune cells and antigens to lymphoid organs
Provides physical barrier, comprised of epidermis (dead cells, keratin, phagocytes) and dermis (connective tissue, blood vessels, phagocytes); chemical defenses include acidic pH, high salt content, lysozyme enzyme
Line openings in body, comprised of live epithelium with mucus-producing goblet cells and a mucus layer; chemical defenses include mucus trapping pathogens, low pH, enzymes, antimicrobial compounds