Is killing okay?

Cards (6)

  • Euthanasia
    Mercy killing, assisted suicide
  • Religious views on euthanasia

    • Catholic: Do not kill, life is sacred from conception until natural death
    • Jewish: Always wrong to take a life, intention matters
    • Imago Dei: we are all made in the image of God, if you kill a person it is as if you’ve killed the whole world
  • It is always wrong to artificially prolong a life according to the Catholic view
  • Doctrine of double effect

    1. Intention to achieve a good outcome (e.g. relieve suffering)
    2. Action must be morally neutral
    3. Good must outweigh the bad
    4. Outcome must not be directly intended
  • If you perform an action for a good intention, you are not morally responsible for the secondary effect
  • Deciding if we live or die is up to God according to the Catholic view