Control Unit manages the execution of instructions using controlsignals to coordinate how the processor works and how data moves between the CPU and the memory. Uses controlsignals to coordinate FDE cycles and decode instructions.
Arithmetic Logical Unit controls all arithmetic and Booleancalculations and processes that are required for an FDE cycle. Results are stored in the accumulator.
Registers are smallfast specific memory locations on the CPU that make storing and fetching data for FDE cycles quicker and faster than retrieving and storing data in RAM.
Program Counter stores the next instruction to be fetched and passed to RAM. Is altered to the address from the instruction in CIR if operations receives a JUMP instruction.
MemoryAddressRegister stores the address of the instruction that is about to be decoded.
Data fetched from the address stored in the MAR is stored in the MDR.
CurrentInstructionRegister stores most recently fetched instruction while it is being decoded and executed.
When decoded, tells the CU what actions need to be taken.
The data which will have the code that will be subject to the opcode.
Stores the results of any process, ALUcalculation or instruction.
Set of wires on the motherboard that carry data between the CPU, RAM and the registers.
Data Bus
Carries datatransmitted from one register to another between processor and memory.
Address Bus
Carries memorylocationaddresses of the register data is being read from/written to.
Control Bus
Transmits control signals for the CU to allow synchronisation of signals to the rest of the processor.
FDE Cycle
Instruction in PC is moved to MAR.Data stored at address in MAR is fetched and stored in the MDR.PC increments by 1.
Data in MDR is moved to CIR and is decoded. The data is separated into opcode and operand. The opcode tells the CU what actions are required by the CU for the instruction to be executed.
Clock Speed
Controls process of executinginstructions and fetchingdata.Overclocking leads to more cycles per second so more instructions are executed so the program takes less time to run. Increased performance but also produces heat for additional cooling necessary to prevent CPU damage.
Distinct processing units on the CPU that can run different apps when multitasking or multiple cores processing a small problem can speed up the process.
Cache Memory
Smallfast memory located on the CPU, used to store smallfrequently used data and instructions. Overall speed is increased and it is quicker for future use as RAM is accessed less frequently.
While oneinstruction is being executed, the next is being decoded and the next is being fetched.
Von Neuman
Single processor. Data/Instructions are stored together in the same memory.Simple and easy to program but slower at processing large sets of data.
Data/Instructions are stored in separatememoryunits with separate buses so while data is being read from/written to data memory, next instruction can be read from instruction memory