Explanations for conformity

    Cards (9)

    • Deutsch and Gerard (1955) developed a two-process theory, arguing that there are two main reasons people conform
      They are based on two central human needs:
      • The need to be right (ISI)
      • The need to be liked (NSI)
    • Informational social influence - An explanation of conformity that says we agree with the opinion of the majority because we believe it is correct
      • We accept it because we want to be correct as well - this may lead to internalisation
    • Informational social influence: EXAMPLE
      • You may not know the answer to a question in class
      • But if most of your class gives one answer, you accept it because you feel they are likely to be right
      • We follow the behaviour of the group (the majority) because we want to be right
    • Informational social influence is a cognitive process because it is to do with what you think
      • It leads to a permanent change in opinion/behaviour (internalisation)
    • Informational social influence: WHEN
      • In situations that are new to a person (so you don't know what is right)
      • Where there is some ambiguity (so isn't clear what is right)
      • Crisis situations where decisions have to be made quickly and we assume the group is more likely to be right
    • Normative social influence - An explanation of conformity that says we agree with the opinion of the majority because we want to gain social approval and be liked
      • This may lead to compliance
    • Normative social influence:
      • Is about norms, ie what is 'normal' or typical behaviour for a social group
      • Norms regulate the behaviour of groups and individuals so it is not surprising that we pay attention to them
      • People do not like to appear foolish and prefer to gain social approval rather than be rejected
    • Normative social influence is an emotional rather than cognitive process
      • It leads to a temporary change in opinions/behaviour (compliance)
    • Normative social influence: WHEN
      • In situations with strangers where you may feel concerned about rejection
      • With people you know because we are most concerned about the social approval of our friends
      • In stressful situations where people have a greater need for social support
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