The emotional & intellectual consequences of separation between a child and their mother.
Privation is different to deprivation. Privation is the absence of an attachment. Meaning a child never had an attachment in the first place.
Intellectual: Abnormally low IQ.
Emotional: Affectionless psychopath (the inability to experience guilt or strong emotions towards others.)
Bowlby's research: 44 thieves interviewed for affectionless psychopathy, families also interviewed to establish whether thieves had prolonged separations from their mothers. These 44 were compared to a control group of 44 non-criminals but emotionally disturbed.
->14/44 thieves identified as affectionless psychopaths with 12 of them having experiences early prolonged separation from mothers.
Limitation) The 44 thieves and their families were all interviewed by Bowlby. He may have been biased because he already knew which children would show signs of A.P.
Limitation)Bowlby's idea of a critical period was flawed because he said that w/o attachment in the first two years of life a child is irreversibly damaged. However, in cases of good aftercare most damage can be reversed.