A focus on the kingdom of God takes away from the person centred views of judgement and personal relationship with God
When focusing on the kingdom of God, a more personal faith may be put second
More holistic view that humans are part of creation and part of the plan to bring completion to God's work, as is done by bringing about God's kingdom on earth
The idea of kingship has its roots in Jewish scripture
Jews were expecting a:
King who would free them from Roman rule
earthly king
spiritual leader
There will come a time when all the created order (on earth and heaven) will follow God's laws
Some believe that Jesus will return to earth in glory at the end of time
Death and sin will be eliminated when Jesus returns to earth
Some believe they should dedicate their life's work to get the earth ready for Jesus
Early Christians believed that Jesus would return to earth very quickly
The idea of Jesus returning immanently has been lost
Many believe that the coming of Jesus made it possible to imagine the kingdom of God on earth
The first thing Jesus is recorded saying in Mark's gospel:
"The time has come... The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!"
Jesus is "The inaugurator of the kingdom"
There are so many beliefs, it is hard to determine which denomination's is favourable
Only doing good to earn a reward or avoid punishment makes the idea of judgement tricky
There is the possibility that some are only doing what is right for fear of judgment as opposed to doing it because it is the right thing to do