Digestive System 🍎

Cards (18)

  • Digestive system is used for ingestion, breakdown and absobtion of foods
  • Mouth:
    • Breaks down food
    • food dissolved in saliva
    • Salivary amylase (salvatory glands) --> starch --> maltose
  • Oesophagus:
    • transports food from the mouth to the stomach
  • Stomach:
    • Stores large quantities of food
    • Absorbs certain drugs and alcohol
    • Produces chyme
    • Pepsin (gastric glands) --> hemoglobin --> polypeptides
  • Small intestine:
    • Muscular contraction to churn food
    • Absorbs simple sugars, amino acids, fatty acids, glycerol, vitamins and water through the villi.
    • Protease --> amino acids --> glycerol
    • Amylase --> Starch --> fatty acids
    • Lipase --> triglycerides --> peptides
  • Large intestine:
    • Absorbs water and vitamins: stores feces; defecation
  • Proteins build and repair muscles and bones and to make hormones and enzymes.
  • Carbohydrates act as an energy source and help to control blood glucose and insulin metabolism.
  • Lipids help control what goes in and out of the cell.
  • Vitamins help to fight infection wound healing, strengthening bones and regulating hormones.
  • The lymphatic system maintains normal fluid levels in the body and absorbs fats, and fat-soluble vitamins so they can enter the bloodstream.
  • Mechanical digestion involves physically breaking down food substances into smaller particles to more efficiently undergo chemical digestion.
  • The role of chemicala digestion is to further degrade the molecular structure of the ingested compounds by digestive enzymes.
  • The dental formula denotes the number of teeth arranged in a particular manner on one side of the mouth. It is written in such a way that it represents the arrangement of teeth in both lower and upper jaws. An adult human being has 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars and 3 molars on each half of the jaw.
  • Mechanical digestion in the mouth happens when grinding food into smaller pieces by teeth, a process called mastication.
  • Mechanical digestion in the stomach happens by peristaltic contractions of the smooth muscle and the churning of food.
  • Mechanical digestion in the small intestine happens when the muscles mix food with digestive juice from the pancreas, liver and intestine.
  • Chemical digestion in the mouth happens when salivary glands release saliva which contains digestive enzymes.