Biological approach

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    • What does this approach say ?
      • all thoughts, feelings and behaviour have a biological basis
    • What are the three assumptions ?
      1. the genetic makeup of an individual influences their behaviour
      2. chemicals in the body such as hormones+ neurotransmitters will influence behaviour
      3. everything psychological is first biological
    • What are the 3 main parts involved ?
      • genes
      • evolution
      • twin studies
    • Role of genes ?
      • genetic makeup of an individual can influence behaviour
      • genetics can explain mental illness, personality + criminal behaviour
      • low levels of seratonin increase chance of depression
    • Twins studies ?
      • can observe the role of genes through MZ twins as they share identical DNA.
      • a high concordance rate suggests genetics play a role in behaviour
      • concordance rates might not be 100% as phenotypes may play a role
    • What are the strengths of twin studies ?
      • natural environment
      • concordance rates useful
    • What are the weaknesses of twin studies ?
      • twins share same environmentMZ twins are 3 in 1000 births
    • why are adoptions studies better ?
      • as avoid shared environment problem
    • Why are family studies useful ?
      • shows how genes are passed down + how environmental impacts behaviour
    • What is the role of evolution ?
      • process of a species adapting to its environment
      • genetic material is passed on through generations to pass on behaviour which will aid survival e.g fight/flight response
    • What are Mz twins ?

      Same sex from single. Fertilised ovum that splits
    • What are DZ twins ?

      Same or different sex from seperate eggs + sperm
    • What’s is a genotype ?
      Genetic makeup of an individual set of genes an individual possesses
    • What is a phenotype ?

      Observable characteristics from the interaction of genes + environment
    • What is the evaluation ?
      1. real life application
      2. uses scientific methods
      3. ignores environmental influences
    • What is real life application ?
      • drugs for depression work by increase levels of seratonin
      • strength as helps people be happy + function a normal life again
      - however drugs don’t work for everyone so other factors must be. Involved
    • Use of scientific methods ?
      • brain scans to look at people who have had a stroke
      • high levels of dontok enable reliability + increase validity
      • brain scans are objective
      • however may lack ecological validity.
    • Ignored environmental influences ?
      • concordance rate not 100%
      • must be interaction with environment
      • might of lived in a toxic environment