An Indonesian and Malay word for theatre. It refers to the entire dramatic show. Sometimes can be referred to the leather puppet.
It means skin, refers to the leather construction of the puppets and supported with buffalo horn handles.
One of the oldest continuous traditions of storytelling. A dramatic story is told through shadows thrown by puppets and sometimes combined with human characters.
is a form of puppet theatre art found in Indonesia and other parts of Southeast Asia.
An artist and spiritual leader that manipulates puppets
Manipulates the puppets
Animal skin
The puppets are from what?
A character in Javanese mythology. Clown (punokawa) and is divine and very wise
Banana Log
A stick supports the body. This is wider at the bottom where it has to stick in the _______ ___ to keep the puppet upright.
Performances of shadow puppet theatre are accompanied by this ensemble in Java, and by gender in Bali
Traditionally, a wayang is played out in a ritualized midnight-to-dawn
A screen where the dalang sits behind which is made of white cotton stretched on a wooden frame.
The lamp that is attached on top of the screen. it projects the shadows on the screen.
The stage that is infront of the dhalang which is traditionally made from the trunk of a banana tree
The puppet chest located on his left
The puppet chest's lid which is located to his right, it is shere the puppets sit ready for use
Wayang Kulit (Indonesian Wayang)
Designated as "A Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity on 7 November 2003" (by UNESCO)