Genetic diversity and selection

Cards (15)

  • Intraspecific variation- differences in individuals of different species
  • Interspecific variation- Differences in individuals of the same species
  • Alleles- versions of a gene
  • Natural selection- the process by which the best adapted to an environment will survive and pass on their genetics
  • Artificial selection- deliberate breeding of individuals with specific traits. AKA: selective breeding
  • Species- organisms that can breed to produce fertile offspring
  • Population- A group of individuals belonging to the same species in a given area
  • Genetic diversity- the number of different alleles or genes in a population, enables natural selection
  • Key steps of natural selection
    • genetic diversity
    • mutation
    • survival of the fittest
    • breed
    • generations
    • speciation
  • Genetic diversity- different alleles in a population
  • Mutation- random mutation can result in new alleles of a gene
  • Survival of the fittest- many mutations are harmful but in certain environments, the new allele may be beneficial and lead to increased reproductive success
  • Breed- the advantageous allele is inherited by members of the next generation
  • Generations- over many generations, the new allele increases in frequency in the population
  • Speciation- individuals are now so dissimilar that they are unable to breed with new members of their previous species to create fertile offspring