Electromagnetic waves do not need a medium, since they are self propagating, meanwhile, mechanical waves need a medium to propagate theough
A wave is a transfer of energy, not particles
Longitudinal wave, particles are displaced parallel to wave propagation
Transverse wave, particles are displacedperpendicular to wave propagation
Wave behaviours include:
Superposition Auperpos
Frequency: measured in Hertz (Hz) and it means how many wavelengths pass in a second
Period: measured in seconds, the time for a complete wavelength to pass
Frequency and period are inversely proportional
Wave equation
Wave behaviour:
Standing and passing waves
Harmonics (closed-closed, closed-open, open-open) for sound waves
Doppler effect
Reflection is when a wave is bounced from a boundary, you calculate this bouncing angle from the normal line (90°). The angle from the incident to reflected ray stays the same.
The smoother the surface, the more reflective it usually is, since there are less small bumps along it, making the light rays disperse less
Refraction occurs when a wave enters a different medium. This means that there is a change in wavelength and velocity
The angle from the refractedray shouldn't equal the angle of the incident ray under refraction
Diffraction occurs when a wave escapes from a barrier with a gap in it. The smaller the gap, the more it will diffract. This gap shouldn't be smaller than the wavelength of the wave or else the wave will not pass.
interference occurs when two waves collide together as time moves, either subtracting or adding the amplitudes. Amplitudesadd if waves are in phase/similar to in phase and vice versa for completely off phase waves.
Standing waves occur when waves are completely reflected from an unmoving surface which result in a series of nodes and antinodes. Through interference, these waves either get cancelled or added out as time continues.
Passing waves occur when the end of the waves are able to move freely and not reflect
When the natural frequency of an body interferes with the disturbed frequency caused by another wave, the amplitudes add up, creating a much higher amplitude, thus, a resonant frequency.
n=c/v where
n=refractive index
c=speed of light
Harmonics are for standing waves where it is either:
two closed ends
one open end
two open ends
To convert from harmonic to wavelength (for two closed and two open ends):
1/harmonic * 2
To convert from harmonic to wavelength (for one closed end):
1/harmonic * 4
Cannot hae an even number of harmonics in one open and one closed ends
Each harmonic in one open and one closed end is from peak to crest, meanwhile, each harmonic in two open/closed ends are from antinodes to antinodes/nodes to nodes.
Complete internal reflection occurs at the critical angle.
Internal reflection is when the refracted ray is more than or equal to 90 degrees. This occurs when the wave is moving from a slower medium to a faster medium.
To find the critical angle, Snell's law is used. Critical angle = sin-1(n2/n1) where n2 is the lighter medium (in which the wave travels faster in).
Snell's law:
n1*sinθ1 = n2*sinθ2
Refractive index =n=c/v
c = speed of wave in vacuum
v = speed of wave in medium
Inverse square law = 1/r^2, which is used to find the intensity of a wave.
During a moving standing wave (while it is in full amplitude adding superposition), when there is a phase shift of even 1/4 of a period, the whole wave will deplete itself due to superposition. The resultant wave will be a straight line for a short period of time. This is also due to an anti-node shift from a node.
diffraction affects the amplitude and direction of the wave
λ<<d, no diffraction
λ<d, some diffraction
λ = d, most diffraction
λ>d, no diffraction
destructive interference: when the superposition of the waves end up in a lesser amplitude.
constructive interference: when the superposition of the waves end up in a higher amplitude.
For inverse square law questions with multiple variables: