Research methods

Cards (7)

  • Demand characteristics is when a participants works out the aims of the study and starts changing their behaviour.
  • Investigator effects are any unwanted influences of the investigator on the research outcome.
  • Independent group design
    When a participant only takes part in 1 condition of the study.
  • Repeated measure group design
    When a participant takes part in all conditions of the study.
  • Covert observation: Participants being observed w/o their knowledge
    Overt: Participants know they are being observed.
  • Random sample: All members of target population have equal chance of being selected.
    Systematic sample: Participants picked using a system (Every nth person)
    Stratified sample: Different sub groups in a population identified, and gather participants proportionally to how much they appear in a population.
  • Opportunity sample: Participants picked right at the time of the study.
    Volunteer sample: Participants pick themselves through things like newspaper adverts.