
Cards (27)

  • Statistics is the study of the collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation of data.
  • Statistical Question – is one that can be answered by collecting data that varies from each other.
  • Not Statistical Question – is one that have an exact answer.
  • Descriptive Statistics - the phase of statistics which seek only to describe and analyze a given group without drawing conclusion or inferences about a large group.
  • Inferential Statistics - the logical process from the sample analysis to a generalization or conclusion about a population.
  • Population - is the entire set of items from which you draw data for a statistical study.
  • Population - it can be a group of individuals, a set of items, etc. It makes up the data pool for a study.
  • Sample - it represents the group of interest from the population, which you will use to represent the data. The sample is an unbiased subset of the population that best represents the whole data.
  • Variables - is any characteristic or fundamental quantity that can be measured, counted, or categorized.
  • Variables can assume different values.
  • Quantitative Variables are variables that can take on numerical values that can be ordered or ranked.
  • Qualitative Variable are variables that can be categorized based on some attributes.
  • Data that are values of quantitative variables are called Quantitative Data.
  • Data that are values of qualitative variables are called Qualitative Data.
  • Discrete Variables are numeric and have whole number values.
  • Continuous Variables are numeric that have infinite number of possible values.
  • Nominal Scale - in this level of measurement, we classify and categorize data using words and letters to describe variables.
  • Ordinal Scale - in this level of measurement, it shows some ordered or ranked relationship between several samples.
  • Ratio Scale - in this level of measurement, it refers to the value of zero or starts at an absolute zero point.
  • Interval Scale - in this level of measurement, those variables are measured based on a set of interval on a certain scale used.
  • Interval Scale can measure values below zero. An example is temperature.
  • Ratio Scale cannot measure values below zero. An example is height and weight.
  • Observation - it focuses in determining the changes in the attitude, characteristics and behavior of people or other subjects. This technique includes watching and recording actions and behaviors.
  • Interviews - it is being performed through personally asking questions to people who have the authority or expertise to say something about the data needed.
  • Focus Group Discussion - it is used to know the thinking, feeling or opinion, about a certain phenomenon, idea and etc. It is conducted with a small group of people with common knowledge and common field (usually 6 to 8 people).
  • Questionnaire - if you have big number of sample, it is the most practical way to use. You gather data through writing.
  • Values that variables can assume are called data.