Lecture 10: Earthquakes

Cards (26)

  • what is an earthquake?
    faults in earths crust get locked up, due to friction and then released.
  • Fault Plane: the area that ruptures, can cover 1000s km
  • Focus/Hypocentre: where the ruptures starts on the fault plane.
  • Epicentre: the pint on the earths surface directly above the focus.
  • how deep are shallow EQ?
    0-70km thick
  • what plate boundary are shallow EQ?
    constructive and conservative.
  • How deep are intermediate EQ?
    70-300km deep
  • how deep are deep EQ?
  • Seismographs: measure ground displacement, velocity or acceleration vs time.
  • Body Waves: primary wave, compressional, parallel.
  • S Waves: shear waves, perpendicular.
  • seismic moment: determined by the magnitude of the force which acts on earths lithosphere.
  • Strength/Intensity depends on?

    magnitude, distance, focal depth, ground type.
  • Primary effect of EQ: fault rupture and ground shaking
  • Fault/Surface Rupture: horizontal or vertical displacement across a ruptured fault.
  • a shallow focus can allow the rupture to break through the earths surface, causing ground deformation.
  • Ground Shaking: due to rapid ground acceleration, main cause of damage to buildings.
  • Ground Liquefaction: a solid medium turns into fluid medium due to shaking.
  • soils prone to liquefaction are sandy, silty, gravelly and water saturated.
  • tsunamis: occur where fault movement in the vertical plane offshore leads to a sudden vertical change in the seabed.
  • EQ RISK= Hazard Level x Exposure x Vulnerability.
  • vulnerability- preparedness and resilience to volcanic disasters.
  • Reducing Vulnerability- EQ Hazard Assessment: forecasting informs land use, building regulation, insurance.
  • Reducing Vulnerability- Land-Use Planning: based on seismic hazard maps. avoid areas of high hazard risk.
  • Reducing Vulnerability- Anti-seismic Design: retrofitting, cross braing, hi-tech engineering, building codes.
  • Reducing Vulnerability- Education, Training, Emergency Planning: preparedness, emergency training, rapid mobilisation of emergency and medical services.