
Cards (28)

  • Speed
    how fast something is moving
  • Speed
    measure of how quickly an object covers a distance
  • Distance
    Total length of the path traveled
  • Distance
    Actual length of the path taken
  • Velocity
    vector quantity which refers to the rate at which an object changes its position
  • Velocity
    requires speed and direction
  • Acceleration
    rate at which an object velocity changes overtime
  • Acceleration
    how quickly an object speeds up or slow down or changes direction
  • Displacement
    refers to how far out of place an object is
  • Displacement
    object's overall change in position
  • Scalar Quantities
    measures magnitude only
  • Magnitude
    size or extent of quantity or measurement
  • Scalar Quantities
    measured with a number and unit only
  • Vector Quantity
    measures both magnitude and direction
  • Arrows
    used to represent vectors
  • Arrow length

    shows the magnitude of the measurement
  • Arrows way of pointing

    shows the direction of the vector
  • Acceleration
    rate of change in velocity
  • Average Acceleration

    provided to express that the acceleration rate may vary within the given time period
  • Instantaneous Acceleration

    exact acceleration rate at a specific point of time
  • Freebody Diagram
    shows all forces acting upon an object
  • Freebody Diagram

    used to find the resultant force
  • Force Arrows

    means by which we show forces acting on an object
  • Resultant Force

    remaining measure of force
  • Normal Force

    prevents an object from taking the place of another object
  • Net force

    Resultant force
  • Freebody Diagram
    shows if forces are balanced or not
  • Freebody diagram

    shows the direction of the force or movement