drug testing

Cards (8)

  • aspirin
    used as a painkiller and blood thinner
    made from willow bark
  • quinine
    used for muscle cramps and malaria
    made from cinchona bark
  • morphine and codeine
    used as a painkiller (after surgery)
    made from opium poppy
  • penicillin
    treat infections caused by bacteria
    made from isolated fungi (mould)
  • previous way of drug testing
    find a useful ingredient
    test drug on small group of patients
    test on large amount of patients and increase dosage
    license the drug and record results
  • modern day drug testing
    Identify useful substance and extract
    test on animals and in the lab to asses safety and effectiveness
    test on a small group of healthy volunteers for side effects
    test on small group of volunteers with disease
    do a double blind trial
    after being licence trials continue for more data and safety
  • what is a double blind trail
    2 large groups of patients are used to test a drug
    one group is given the drug the other is given a placebo
    neither the doctors nor the patients know which is the real drug
    is used to prevent bias
  • differences between modern day and withering's drug testing
    withering did not extract active ingredient
    withering did not have safety tests
    withering did not check for side effects
    withering did not check for bias