An organism's entire hereditary information encoded in DNA.
What is a genome made up of?
Genes- DNA sequences that code for proteins
Non coding sequences
Give three functions of non-coding regions of DNA.
Regulating transcription
Being transcribed to form tRNA
Being transcribed to form rRNA
What are Mutations?
Changes in the DNA sequence that can result in no protein or an altered protein being synthesised.
What do single gene mutations involve?
Alteration of a DNA nucleotide sequence.
Name the three types of single gene mutations.
Describe a substitution mutation.
One nucleotide is swapped for another nucleotide.
What are the three outcomes of a substitution mutation?
Missense, nonsense, splice-site
Describe a missense mutation and the impact it has on the protein produced.
One amino acid being changed for another. This may result in a non-functional protein or have little effect on the protein.
Describe a nonsense mutation and the impact it has on the protein produced.
A premature stop codon is produced which results in a shorter protein.
Describe a splice-site mutation and the impact it has on the protein produced.
Some introns are retained and/or some Exons are not included in the mature transcript.
What occurs when a single gene deletion mutation occurs?
This involves a DNA nucleotide being removed from the DNA sequence. This results in a frameshift mutation.
Describe a single gene insertion mutation.
An extra DNA nucleotide is added into the DNA sequence. This results in a frameshift mutation.
what is a frameshift mutation and why does it have a major affect on the structure of the protein produced?
Frameshift mutation: insertion or deletion of nucleotides, shifts the reading frame of the genetic code (all of the DNA codons after the point of mutation are changed), leading to a completely different amino acid sequence.
Name the four possible chromosome structure mutations.
Describe a chromosome deletion mutation.
A section of a chromosome is removed.
Describe a chromosome Inversion mutation.
A section of a chromosome is reversed.
Describe a chromosome duplication mutation.
A section of a chromosome is added to its homologous partner.
Describe a chromosome translocation mutation.
A section of a chromosome is added to a non-homologous partner chromosome.
Which type of chromosome mutation is important in evolution and explain the reason for this.
Duplication mutations.
Duplication allows potential beneficial mutations to occur in a duplicated gene whilst the original gene can still be expressed to produce it's protein.