systematics identification

Cards (18)

  • Dichotomous Key
    constructing this is the simplest way of identifying organisms
  • How to use and construct dichotomous key?
    Understand the concept of dichotomous key and;
    construct a key of your own to identify
  • Identification
    associating an unknown entity with a known one
  • Diagnostic characterization (diagnosis)

    all features that distinguish an entitfy from all other entities
  • Identification
    determining if diagnosis of unknown falls within the diagnosis of a known
  • Taxonomic Literature
    various available lit incorporating description, illustrations and identification keys are useful for proper identification of unknown specimen
  • Taxonomic Literature Types

    Systematics/Taxonomic Journals
  • Flora/Fauna
    inventory of plants/animals of a defined geographical region
  • Flora/fauna four types
    Local - limited geographical area (state, city, a valley or a mountain range)
    Regional - larger geographical area (botanical regions)
    Continental - involve continents
    Comprehensive treatments - much broader
  • Monographs Types
    Monograph -comprehensive, provide l taxonomic data relating to the group, worldwide scope
    Revision - less comprehensive, includes synonymy, descriptions shorter emphasize diagnostic features
    Conspectus - outline of revision
    Synopsis - list of taxa much abbreviated
  • Types of Taxonomic Keys
    1. Dichotomous Key
    2. Polyclave Key
    3. Computer - Constructed Keys
  • Taxonomic Keys
    rapid identification of unknown specimen
  • Dichotomous Key

    compare two contrasting statements called couplets
  • Two Types of Dichotomous Keys
    Bracketed and Indented
  • Polyclave Key

    List presence/absence of all features
  • Computer - Constructed Keys
    DELTA sytstem
    1. Taxonomic Literature
    2. Taxonomic Keys
    3. Specimen Comparison
    4. Image Comparison
    5. Expert Determination
  • If you can't identify the organism, what does it imply?
    It is new to science