Causes of the American Revolution Notes

Cards (20)

  • What is meant by "salutary neglect?"
    • Britain had a "hands off" policy with their colonies
    • Used colonies for raw materials but allowed them to handle their own affairs
    • This treatment ended when the French and Indian War (7-Year War) ended
  • When did this policy end?
    After the French and Indian War (7-Year War) ended
  • Why were the British having financial problems?
    • They won the 7 year war but it actually lasted 10 years and that left them in deep debt
    • They attempted to tax the American colonists to make back the debt
  • What did the Proclamation of 1763 state?
    Before trying taxes, Britain ordered that all the land to the West of the Appalachian Mountains be closed off to American settlement colonists.
  • Why did the British pass this proclamation?
    • Britain and Native Americans had bad relations
    • Britain feels obligated to protect colonists
    • They prevented Western settlement by sending 10,000 troops to the West.
  • How did the colonists feel about the Proclamation?
    • They were upset because it was good farm land and there were beavers.
    - Farmland and beavers = money
    • They felt they earned the right to be there since they fought for it
    • They settled there anyway
  • What did the Sugar Act primarily tax?
    • Molasses was being taxed as it had many uses.
    - Used to make liquor, removes rust, and makes ammunition
  • How did the Stamp Act work?
    • Required colonists to have a special stamp on essentially any paper product
    • Colonists were charged for the stamp
  • Why did the British think the Stamp Act could be more effective than the Sugar Act?
    They cant get out of using paper like they could with molasses
  • How did the colonists react? What was their rallying cry?
    • They rioted in larger cities and threw stones at tax collectors
    • Their slogan was "No taxation without representation"
  • What items did the Townshend Acts tax?
    • It taxes items such as glass, lead, paint, tea, and plain paper
  • Why did the British think the Townshend Act would be effective?

    They're less common objects
  • How did a non-importation agreement work?
    • Store owners agreed to not sell or import those products
    • It takes away the personal choice to buy the items as they're just not available
  • What did the Quartering Act do? How was it an indirect tax on the colonists?
    • It forced colonists to house the British Soldiers
    • It forced them to feed them as well, so Britain was saving money by not supplying housing or food to their soldiers.
  • What event did the Quartering Act ultimately lead to?
    • The colonists realize they're being indirectly taxed, and therefore, violence ensues.
    • This leads to the Boston Massacre.
  • What part of the Townshend Acts was not repealed? Why had this tax been somewhat effective?
    • They kept the tax on tea, and it worked because colonists drank a LOT of tea
  • Why did the Townshend Acts begin to become less effective?
    • Britain continued increasing the tax, but colonists stopped buying the items it affected (tea).
    • Colonists were then sent a surplus of tea
  • Who were the Sons of Liberty?
    • Sam Adams, John Adams, and Paul Revere
    • They were against the Tea Act (Anti-British)
  • What event did they orchestrate? What happened?
    The Boston Tea Party. They threw crates and crates of tea into the harbor ($1 million in today's money).
  • How did the British respond to the Boston Tea Party?
    • They pass the Intolerable Acts
    • Boston Harbor is shut down
    • Colonists weren't allowed to have town meetings without permission
    • Quartering Act expanded, more colonists housing and feeding British soldiers
    • British Officers were not charged with crimes