Treaty of Paris (1783)

Cards (14)

  • Why did the British and Americans choose Paris for peace negotiations?
    It's a neutral state
  • Why was it not exactly a "neutral" site?
    France and America were in an alliance
  • When was the Treaty of Paris officially signed?
    September of 1783
  • Who were the American representatives at the negotiations?
    John Adams, John Jay, and Benjamin Franklin
  • Who represented the British?
    David Hartley of the British Parliament
  • Who attempted to paint a portrait of the event?
    Benjamin West (famous artist)
  • What ended up happening?
    Hartley didn't want to pose so it was never completed
  • How many terms of the Treaty were there?
    10 terms
  • The major terms are:
    • 13 colonies are now free and sovereign
    • A boundary will be settled between the colonies and British North American (now Canada)
    • Prisoners of war were released from both sides
    • Great Britain and the U.S. were to both have access to the Mississippi River
  • What did Spain receive?
  • What did the Native Americans receive?
    They got nothing, and their land was taken from them
  • What did the colonies receive for territory?
    All land that is currently the U.S. to the Mississippi River (minus Florida)
  • What happened to the British loyalists living in the colonies?
    60,000 British Loyalists moved to Canada
  • What did the American victory mean for the world?
    Democratic politics became a reality in the world