Fossils are preserved remains of dead organism from years ago
Fossils form hard body parts which don't easily decay or be replaced by minerals
Fossils are formed from preserved faces of organisms(footprints) that are covered by layers of sediment to eventually become rock
Two fossil skeletons from Africa named ardi and Lucy provide evidence that humans and apes involved from common ascestor
Lived 4.4 million years ago
Arms and legs like ape
Probably walked upright like a human
Lived 3.2 million years ago
Had small ape like skull
Had carved human feet
Walked upright like a human
Because of fossils scientists discovered humans involved 1.6 million years ago
Factors to show how old stone tools are
Simple tool is older
Tool found in deeper rock layer is older
Tool made from carbon can use carbon dating to find age
Stone tools
Provided evidence for human evolution. Humans used tools made from stone 2.5 million years ago
Early tools- sharp pebbles for cutting food
Later tools- advanced such as axe for hunting
Fossils discovered by Mary Leakey and Louis in 1950s helped support theory of natural selection especially in early fossil which contained remnants of stone tools and homohabilis which is now can important early human species