Bowlby's main conclusion was that separation from the mother in earlychildhood leads to the delinquentbehaviour of the children later in childhood
However, we should always remember that there may be other variables that caused emotional problems
Biased data
Strength: data was rich, in depth + qualitative.Highecologicalvalidity as it was a thorough investigation of reallife
Weakness: lacksvalidity as it was vulnerable to researcherbias. Bowlby conducted the psychiatricassessmentshimself + made the diagnosis of affectionless psychopathy - findings may have been open to his ownexpectations
Weakness: Bowlby knew whether the children were in the 'theft' group or control group. No use of doubleblindtrial as Bowlby had already developed his own theory of maternal deprivation
Weakness: Nature of the study means it cannot be replicated + therefore lackreliability
Not representative - Most juveniles not referred for treatments
The sample of thieves consisted of only those children who had been caughtthieving - conclusive as saying all children who steal will have the same issues with separation as the children in this study
The control group used in the study were also patients at the clinic that Bowlbyworked at - children would have suffered with psychological + emotionalissues
Evaluation - Alternative evidence
Muddled together several different experiences
Romanian Orphans - if adopted before the age of 6months they are fine - but if adopted afterlackemotionalcare at a very important time in their development lagged behind a control group of UKchildren on all measures (physical, cognitive + social) - separation cannot be the only reason for long lasting damage
Evaluation - Ethical + Social implications:
Confidentiality + privacy - Not afforded confidentiality as he gives the firstname + initial of last name. Their case studies also provided considerabledetails of their lives
Validconsent - parents asked for consent. The data was collected as a routine part of treating patients at the clinic - decision to use data was retrospective