such as my lai massacres when thousands of American soldiers pillaged through Vietnamese cities causing death to many civilians
This can be explained by agentic state- believed they were acting on behalf of general+the generals had high legitimacy due to their position in the social hierarchy, increasing validity of both theories
However, excusing terrible behaviour with these explanations can be seen as reducing the idea an individual has freewill and their own choices, not inline with the judicialsystem.
limitation- both not scientifically and objectively measured
cannot be operationalised, eg whether someone in agentic state relies on self report or observations, both subject to bias.
eg excuse their behaviour as individual may state acting in agenticstate to be percieved better- SDB
Therefore, there is not scientific, empirical evidence and these theories do not meet 5 features of science, lacking scientific rigour.
contradictory research- rank and jacobson
Rank and Jacobson had nurses in a psychiatric hospital be told by a known doctor to administer an overdose of drug they were familiar with, only 2/18 obeyed.
Therefore, no responsibility was shifted onto the doctor and despite doctor having legitimate authority did not carry out harmful overdose. Therefore, this reduces reliability and validity of these explanations
suggests personality type- if an individual has a good moral understanding can still disobey to unjust acts even if asked to by a legitimate authority figure