an abnormality of mental functioning is 'a state of mind so different from that of ordinaryhuman beings that the reasonable man would term it abnormal'
R v Byrne
R v Miller
Obsessive fits of jealousy
R v Seers
Chronic reactivedepression
R v Ahluwalia and R v Thornton
Battered woman's syndrome
R vTandy
Alcoholism but only if it has injured the brain and made drinkinginvoluntary
R v English
R v Sanderson
R v Hampson
Wife'sconstantnagging which caused depression
R v Egan
Impairment must be significant but notnecessarilytotal
R v Dietschmann
The jury are to disregard the intoxication if D had self-indulged
R v Wood
The jury need to ask whether the syndrome led to an abnormality of mental functioning which caused or significantlycontributed to D's inability to understand the nature of his conduct