How was income from the land affected by the Black Death?
-income from land had declined in the aftermath of the Black Death of the 1300s and early 1400s, though it has been suggested that there was something of a recovery in the 1480s and 1490s, as the population began to increase again.
What was the reason for the move towards sheep farming?
-it was a reflection not only of the depressedprofitability of arable (crop) farming, but also the improved profitability of sheep farming brought about by the increasingdemand for wool, as the population grew and trade overseas developed.
England could be divided into "lowland zone" to the south and east (a line drawn from the Tees estuary to Weymouth) and a "highland zone" (roughly north and west of that line).
mixed farming was the most common form of farming found in lowland zone, though pastoral farming predominated in woodland areas and there were specialisms such as horse breeding in the Fenlands.
-form of landholding which predominated in most of "lowland" England. The manor was a specific landed estate whose tenants farmed strips of land found in open fields and who enjoyed common rights, particularly for keeping animals, the system came under increasing pressure by enclosure in some parts of the country as the 16th century unfolded.
What had the bulk of exports comprised of in the first part of the century?
-comprised of rawwool, this was shipped mainly from east-coast ports such as Boston, Lynn and Yarmouth and exported through Calais by the Merchant of the Staple.
Some historic cities such as Winchester and Lincoln had suffered significant decay as the cloth industry tended to move from older corporate boroughs to new manufacturing centres in smaller market towns and villages in East Anglia, the West Riding of Yorkshire and parts of the West Country.
What reinforced London's commercial dominance within the country?
- an increasing proportion of the finished cloth was exported from London through the Merchant Adventurers. This reinforced London's commercialdominance within the country and established a commercial axis in Antwerp.
-they controlled the export of wool, the staple was based at Calais from 1363, but the eventual decline in the wool trade reduced the company's importance.
-the wealthiest and most influential company of the City of London, the Merchant Adventurers were a trading organisation which came increasingly to dominate London's cloth trade with Antwerp.
What did the Merchant Adventurer's domination of the cloth trade match?
-the Merchant Adventurer's domination of the cloth trade matched the dominance of the wool trade by the Merchants of the Calais Staple, whose economic position they increasingly supplanted.
Why could the Merchant Adventures not achieve complete domination of trade?
- because they proved unable to overcome the trading privileges enjoyed by the Hanseatic League which had been reasserted by the treaty in 1474 and again in 1504.