What are the 3 different pathways that water can take through the root?
Apoplast pathway
Symplast pathway
Vacuolar pathway
What is the apoplast pathway?
water moves IN the cellwalls.Cellulosefibres in the cell wall are separated by spaces through which water moves
What is the symplast pathway?
Water moves in the cytoplasm and plasmodesmata.
What is the vacuolar pathway?
Water moves fromvacuole to vacuole
Describe and explain the role of the endodermis in the uptake of water into the xylem?
The endodermis contains the Casparianstrip, which is made of suberin, which is hydrophobic. This means water cannot travel in the cell walls, so it must move into the symplast pathway.
Label this diagram with the parts of the root and the different pathways ater can take.