Key Terms Unit 2

Cards (42)

  • Baptism
    A rite of initiation, through which people become members of the Church. The word 'baptise' means to immerse in water. Water is used as a symbol of the washing away of sin.
  • Bible
    Christian sacred text believed by Christians to be revealed and/or inspired by God, made up of the Old and New Testaments.
  • Confirmation
    A rite through which a person who has been baptised (particularly one baptised as an infant) affirms their Christian belief and is recognised as a full member of the Church.
  • Eucharist
    Meaning 'thanksgiving' and also called 'Holy Communion'. The service which celebrates the death and Resurrection of Jesus. Bread and wine represent (or, as some Christians such as Catholics believe, actually become the body and blood of Jesus. The Eucharist is a re-enactment of the Last Supper.
  • Free will
    The ability to make choices (particularly moral choices) voluntarily and independently. The belief that nothing is predetermined.
  • Heaven
    A 'place' or 'state' in the afterlife where those who have accepted God's grace and forgiveness in this life will enjoy an eternal existence in God's presence in the next life.
  • Hell
    A 'place' or'state' of punishment in the afterlife for those who, through their own free will, reject God's grace and forgiveness and will have chosen to live eternally outside of God's presence.
  • Judgement
    The belief that God will judge whether or not humans are worthy to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • Marriage symbols
    Features of the wedding ceremony that indicate the purpose and meaning of marriage. For instance, the wedding ring, being a continuous circle of precious metal symbolises the never-ending, precious love between the bride and groom.
  • Pilgrimage
    A journey made to a sacred place as an act of worship or devotion, for example, Christians may visit Jerusalem to walk in Jesus' footsteps.
  • Reason
    The process of logical thought; the ability to think in a logical way. To form judgements and opinions through rational and evidence-based consideration.
  • Revelation
    God making himself known to humankind; for instance, through the Bible.
  • Vows
    Promises made between people or a person's promises to God. Wedding vows are promises which the bride and groom make, committing themselves to one another.
  • Prophet
    A person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God.
  • Mosque
    A Muslim place of worship
  • Al-Qadr
    Predestination of the will of Allah
  • Isa
    Arabic name for the prophet Jesus
  • Makkah
    Muslim Holy city in Saudi Arabia
  • Akhira
    Islamic term for a belief in the afterlife
  • Muhammad
    Founder of Islam, messenger of God and Seal of the prophets
  • Burkah
    A loose garment covering the entire body, but the eyes
  • Lesser Jihad
    The outward struggle to defend one's faith, family and country from threat.
  • Ummah
    The worldwide community of believers in Islam
  • Hijab
    A headscarf worn by Muslim women
  • Id-ul-Fitr
    The festival celebrated at the end of Ramadan
  • Censorship
    Limiting access to materials considered offensive or a threat.
  • Extremism
    Believing and supporting ideas far from that which people consider reasonable.
  • Discrimination
    Treating people differently.
  • Prejudice
    Pre-judging people.
  • Personal Conviction
    What a person strongly believes.
  • Human Rights
    Basic entitlements of all human rights.
  • Relative poverty
    In relation to standards of where the person lives.
  • Absolute poverty
    Acute state of deprivation.
  • Social Justice
    Promoting a fair society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity
  • Adultery
    Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not their spouse.
  • Divorce
    To legally end a marriage.
  • Cohabitation
    To live together in a sexual relationship, without being married, or in a civil partnership.
  • Commitment
    A sense of dedication and obligation to someone or something.
  • Contraception
    Methods used to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant
  • Gender equality
    People of all genders enjoying the same rights and opportunities in all aspects of their lives.