Producing goods, supplying services, distributing products, fulfilling a business opportunity, providing a good or service to benefit others
Reasons for starting a business
Producing goods
Supplying services
Distributing products
Fulfilling a business opportunity
Providing a good or service to benefit others
Basic functions and types of business
Goods and services, needs and wants
Factors of production - land, labour, capital, enterprise
Opportunity cost
Primary, secondary and tertiary sectors
What is meant by an entrepreneur
Characteristics of an entrepreneur
Hard working
Willingness to take a risk
Objectives of an entrepreneur
To be their own boss
Flexible working hours
To pursue an interest
Earn more money
Identify a gap in the market
Dissatisfaction with current job
Businesses face a constantly changing business environment due to changes in technology, economic situation, legislation and environmental expectations
Legal structures that businesses adopt
Sole traders
Private limited companies (ltd)
Public limited companies (plc)
Not-for-profit organisations
Benefits and drawbacks of each legal structure
Management and control
Sources of finance available
Distribution of profits
Limited liability
Which legal structures benefit from this
Main aims and objectives for businesses
Profit maximisation
Growth (domestic and international)
Market share
Customer satisfaction
Social and ethical objectives
Shareholder value
Role of objectives in running a business
How and why the objectives set will differ between businesses
How and why the objectives set may change as businesses evolve
The success of a business can be measured in other ways than profit
Main stakeholders of businesses
Local community
Stakeholders' main objectives
Maximising pay for workers
Minimising environmental impact on local community
High dividend payments for owners
Impact and influence stakeholders have on businesses
How businesses may face conflict between stakeholders
Factors influencing the location decision of a business
Proximity to the market
Availability of raw materials
Purpose of business planning
Importance in setting up a new business, raising finance, setting objectives and detailing how functions of a business will be organised
Methods of expansion
Organic growth through franchising, opening new stores and expanding through e-commerce
External growth through mergers and takeovers
Benefits and drawbacks of expansion
Economies of scale
Diseconomies of scale
With growth businesses increase the risk of diseconomies of scale occurring due to poor communication, coordination issues and reduced staff motivation