one type of non communicable disease would be genetic disorder caused by faulty alleles of genes. genetic disorders can be passef to offspring but not to any other person.
another cause of non communicable disease is malnutrition
malnutrition occurs when you get too little or too much of particular nutrients from your food.
the lack of a certain nutrient can cause a specific deficiency disease
protein: kwashiorkor
symptoms of kwashiorkor - protein deficiency
enlarged belly, small muscles, failure to grow properly
sources of protein
meat, fish, dairy, eggs, pulses
vitiman c : scurvey
symptoms of vitiman c deficiency - scurvt
swelling and bleeding gums, muscle and joint pain, tiredness
sources of vitiman c
citrus fruits, vegetables/ leafy greens
vitamin c: rickets/ osteomalacia
symptoms of rickets/ vitiman d
soft bones, curved legs
sources of vitamin d: oily fish, calcium, dairy
iron: anaemia
symptoms of anaemia/ iron deficiency
smaller red blood cells, reduced number of
sources or iron
red meat, leafy greens, egg yolk
some diseases caused by lifestyle
alcohol over a longer period of time can lead to liver damage and cirrhosis
what do non-communicable diseases have in common?
mostly caused by lifestyle, cannot be passed to another person
how can diet affect malnutrition?
Nutrient deficiency which leads to malnutrition
why does alcohol cause problems for people and society?
Addiction, liver cirrhosis, death
explain why sickle cell disease is a non-communicable disease: It's not caused by anything the parents did before or during the pregnancy and you cannot catch it from someone who has it.
suggest how scurvy should be treated?
Vitamin C
suggest why kwashiorkor is usually only seen in people living in very poor parts of the world: high rates of poverty and food scarcity.
explain why deficiency diseases are examples of malnutrition: lack of nutrients in the diet
explain why liver disease is non-communicable: because it cannot be passed on
explain how a persons diet can cause anaemia
a lack of iron in the diet will lead to a deficiency - anaemia