under these covenants, if certain conditions relating to the borrower's financial situation are breached, the liability becomes noncurrent
Accrued Revenue is income already received but not yet earned
FALSE deferred or unearned
When an entity has the option to refinance for repayment two years later, the related liability is recognized as noncurrent
Cash received in advance for services to be performed are initially recorded as liability
Long term liabilities are measured at Face Value
FALSE - amortized cost or at fair value
A liability exists when there is an obligation to pay for goods an entity expects to order from supplier next year
Recording is required for
loss contingencies that are probable and can be reliably measured
Advance payment from customers represent
liabilities until the product is provided
Contingent assets are usually recognized when occurrence is probable
A provision is an obligation of uncertain amount or uncertain thing
The entry to record to estimate the amount of premium liability includes a debit to estimated premium liability
Cash received in advance for services to be performed are initially recorded as liability
TRUE - unearned revenue
a provision is a liability of uncertain timing and which cannot be measured reliably
A contingent asset is usually recognized when probable and measurable
IFRS 16 provides that the lease payments shall be discounted using implicit interest rate of the lessee
IFRS 16 provides that at the commencement date, the lessee shall recognize a property and lease liability
FALSE - PRPERTY--Right of use
A finance lease is a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an underlying asset
IFRS 16 provides that the lessor has the option to use either operating lease of finance lease
FALSE -depends on the indication
The lessee shall depreciate the right of use asset over the shorter period between useful life of underlying asset and lease term when there is transfer of ownership
if the FVPA is more than PBO the plan is underfunded and therefore there is an accrued benefit cost, a noncurrent liability
In a defined benefit plan, an employee is guaranteed a specific or definite amount of benefit which is usually related to his salary and years
The remeasurements and servic cost are included and fully recognized in other comprehensive income
The PBO appears in the FInancial statements of the entity as a noncurrent liability
A defined contribution plan is a postemployment benefit plan under which an entity pays fixed contributions into a separate enntity knows as fund
The current tax payable is based on accounting income
Deferred tax liability and deferred tax asset should be reported as current when it will reverse in the next period
The excess of depreciation for tax basis over depreciation for book basis will result to a deferred tax liability
Premiums on life insurance will result in temporary difference in current period
Unamortized bond discount should be reported as
Direct deduction from face amount of bond
Bonds payable is initially measured at
Fair value minus transaction cost
The accrued interest is computed using the effective rate
The accrued interest does not affect the amount or cash received by the issuer
The accrued interest is recorded as income
For a liability to exist a past transaction or event must have occured