Lecture 29 - Endocrine Disorders

Cards (30)

  • Cortisol
    Stimulates pancreatic alpha cells to secrete glucagon
  • What can go wrong with hormone signalling?
  • Secretion levels
    • Hyposecretion - Too little hormone is secreted into the plasma
    • Hypersecretion - Too much hormone is secreted into the plasma
  • Hyposensitive
    Receptors are less sensitive; receptors get desensitised, causing them to respond less or not at all
  • Addison's Disease

    Hyposecretion of cortisol and aldosterone
  • Addison's Disease
    • Common cause - Autoimmune disease that attacks the adrenal cortex
    • Hyposecretion disorder - Reduced cortisol and aldosterone secretion causes reduction in normal effects
    • Symptoms - Low blood pressure, Loss of appetite, weight loss
  • Cushing's Disease
    Hypersecretion of Cortisol
  • Cushing's Disease
    • Common cause: Adrenal cortex tumor or taking glucocorticoid medication for long periods (e.g. prednisone)
    • Hypersecretion disorder: Excess cortisol secretion causes amplification of normal effects, plus other symptoms with Cushing's
    • Symptoms: High blood pressure, Thinning of arms and legs; weight gain in torso
  • Dwarfism
    Hyposecretion of growth hormone
  • Dwarfism
    • Common causes - Genetic mutation or inheritance (e.g. have short parents)
    • Hyposecretion disorder - reduced growth hormone secretion
    • Symptoms: Short stature
  • Gigantism
    Hypersecretion of growth hormone
  • Gigantism
    • Common cause - pituitary gland tumor in childhood
    • Hypersecretion disorder - Excess growth hormone secretion before long bones have stopped growing (epiphyseal plates have yet not fused)
    • Symptoms - Tall stature
  • Acromegaly
    Hypersecretion of growth hormone
  • Acromegaly
    • Common cause - Pituitary gland tumor in early adulthood
    • Hypersecretion disorder - Excess growth hormone secretion after long bones have stopped growing (epiphyseal plates have fused)
    • Symptoms - Large and irregularly shaped extremities and characteristic facial features
  • Infantile hypothyroidism
    Hyposecretion of thyroid hormone
  • Infantile hypothyroidism
    • Common causes - Missing or poorly developed thyroid gland, Poorly functioning anterior pituitary, Lack of iodine in mother's diet
    • Hyposecretion disorder - reduced secretion of thyroid hormone causes reductions of its normal effects, plus other symptoms
    • Symptoms include: Low metabolic rate, Delayed growth and development
  • Adult hypothyroidism
    Hyposecretion of thyroid hormone
  • Adult hypothyroidism
    • Common causes - Autoimmune disease that attacks thyroid hormone, Iodine deficiency in diet, Surgical removal of thyroid gland
    • Hyposecretion disorder - Reduced secretion of thyroid hormone causes reductions of its normal effects
    • Some symptoms - Low metabolic rate; tiredness, Weight gain, Sensitive to cold - not as much thermogenesis, Depression; brain fog
  • Simple Goitre
    Hyposecretion of thyroid hormone
  • Simple Goitre
    • Common cause: lack of iodine in diet
    • Hyposecretion disorder: Without iodine, the thyroid gland cannot make thyroid hormone. Without thyroid hormone negatively feeding back, TRH and TSH get continually secreted. Excess TSH causes the thyroid gland to swell
    • Symptoms - Enlarged thyroid gland = a goitre
  • Graves Disease
    Hypersecretion of thyroid hormone
  • Graves Disease
    • Cause - Autoimmune disorder
    • Hypersecretion disorder - Excess secretion of thyroid hormone causes amplifications of its normal effects, plus other symptoms
    • Some symptoms: High metabolic rate; weight loss, Increased heart rate, Sensitive to heat, Nervousness, neurons working too hard, Exophthalmos (bulging eyes), Goitre (thyroid swelling)
  • Hyperparathyroidism
    Hypersecretion of parathyroid hormone
  • Hyperparathyroidism
    • Common cause - Parathyroid tumor
    • Hypersecretion disorder - Excess secretion of parathyroid hormone causes amplifications of its normal effects
    • Some symptoms - Bones become soft, deformed and fragile, Kidney stones (excess Ca2+ accumulates in the kidney)
  • Hypoparathyroidism
    Hyposecretion of parathyroid hormone
  • Hypoparathyroidism
    • Common cause - damaged parathyroid glands due to genetic or autoimmune disease
    • Hyposecretion disorder - reduced secretion of parathyroid hormone causes reduced plasma [calcium] – hypocalcemia
    • Some symptoms: Muscle tetany (tetanus); muscle spasms/cramps, effects ion concentration, increases resting membrane potential (easier to bring to threshold), Seizures, affecting nervous system (Neurons)
  • Type I Diabetes Mellitus
    Hyposecretion of insulin
  • Type I Diabetes Mellitus
    • Common cause - Beta islet cells in pancreas get destroyed by a virus or autoimmune disease
    • Hyposecretion disorder - Reduced secretion of insulin causes symptoms related to chronically high plasma glucose (which can damage blood vessels & nerves), with inability for cells to use the glucose
    • Some symptoms - Polyuria (excessive urine production), Polydipsia (excessive thirst), Diabetic neuropathy and retinopathy, Cardiovascular issues
    • Treatment: requires insulin injections or infusion
  • Insulin Resistance and Type II Diabetes Mellitus
    • Hyposensitivity disorder (Insulin resistance) - insulin receptors on target cells become insensitive (resistant) to insulin due to chronically high insulin levels
    • Hyposensitivity and Hyposecretion disorder (Type II Diabetes) - As insulin resistance gets worse the pancreatic beta islet cells wear out. This leads to progressively reduced insulin secretion
  • Insulin Resistance and Type II Diabetes Mellitus
    • Common cause - Unhealthy lifestyle - inactivity, poor diet, obesity
    • Some symptoms - Polyuria (excessive urine production), Polydipsia (excessive thirst), Diabetic neuropathy and retinopathy, Cardiovascular issues
    • Treatment and prevention - Insulin, exercise, good diet