Hyposecretion disorder: Without iodine, the thyroid gland cannot make thyroid hormone. Without thyroid hormone negatively feeding back, TRH and TSH get continually secreted. Excess TSH causes the thyroid gland to swell
Hypersecretion disorder - Excess secretion of thyroid hormone causes amplifications of its normal effects, plus other symptoms
Some symptoms: High metabolic rate; weight loss, Increased heart rate, Sensitive to heat, Nervousness, neurons working too hard, Exophthalmos (bulging eyes), Goitre (thyroid swelling)
Some symptoms: Muscle tetany (tetanus); muscle spasms/cramps, effects ion concentration, increases resting membrane potential (easier to bring to threshold), Seizures, affecting nervous system (Neurons)
Common cause - Beta islet cells in pancreas get destroyed by a virus or autoimmune disease
Hyposecretion disorder - Reduced secretion of insulin causes symptoms related to chronically high plasma glucose (which can damage blood vessels & nerves), with inability for cells to use the glucose
Some symptoms - Polyuria (excessive urine production), Polydipsia (excessive thirst), Diabetic neuropathy and retinopathy, Cardiovascular issues
Treatment: requires insulin injections or infusion
Hyposensitivity disorder (Insulin resistance) - insulin receptors on target cells become insensitive (resistant) to insulin due to chronically high insulin levels
Hyposensitivity and Hyposecretion disorder (Type II Diabetes) - As insulin resistance gets worse the pancreatic beta islet cells wear out. This leads to progressively reduced insulin secretion