Unequal access to social desirables and life opportunities between the social classes in society
Global Stratification
Unequal distribution of social gaps across nations
Global Inequality
Concentration of resources among a selected number of nations
Institution that administers the regulatory functions of law and order, and maintains security in society
Begins informally at home and then formally in educational institutions
Most basic social institution
Open System
Society where people frequently can, by acquiring skills and working hard, move from one level of social stratification to a higher level of social stratification
Social Inequality
Unequal sharing of scarce resources and social rewards
Marriage with a specific group
Key distinction between a caste system and a class system
Program that addresses inequality on ethnic minorities
Magna CartaforWomen
Program that addresses gender inequality
Global Stratification is the unequal distribution of social gaps across nations
Symbolic Capital
Institution implementing the functions of the government
Other Minorities
Less dominant classifications in the society that experience disproportionately lower opportunities than their dominant counterparts
Ethnic Minorities
Minorities living traditionalistic lives far away from the city and technology and may appear differently than usual
Process of translating a new idea into something that can create value
Cultural Diffusion
Spread of culture including aspects such as clothing and food from one group to another, typically as a result of making contact with a new group for the first time
People who move with the legal permission of the receiver nation
States and Non states institutions
Have overlapping functions and work collaboratively is the primary function of States and Non state Institutions
Education plays a critical role in fostering social mobility, promoting understanding
Transformative effect of Education on Individuals and Society
Social Stratification
Division of society into different hierarchical layers based on various factors
Factors contributing to social stratification
Educational attainment
Physical characteristics
Social Security
Government program that aims to reduce poverty and providing financial support to low-income individuals
Red Cross
Institution providing immediate relief and assistance to affected communities
World Health Organization
Institution that would be most likely to provide medical support and assistance if a country has high poverty and limited access to health care
Providing education to children in a rural community with limited access to education
Organizing community-based learning centers
Collaborating with local business and community organizations for sponsorship and donations
Most effective government program to address a significant increase in unemployment due to economic recession
Most effective government program to promote entrepreneurship and to support the growth of small business