Cards (8)

    1. Where does the word "fascism" come from?
    • the italian word, fascio
    1. Some argue that defining fascism as a form of political behavior is an important distinction. Why is this?
    • facism have to form alliances w/ existing groups, unify people, and spread propaganda. this distinction helps to understand how fascist movements gain power and legitimacy, often using these methods to justify and execute violence
    1. What are some of the methods that fascists use to gain power?
    • Fascists use methods such as propaganda, forming alliances with existing groups, manipulating mass media, suppressing opposition, and fostering a cult of personality around their leader to gain power
    1. Why was internationalism a threat to the fascist agenda?

    • it promoted cooperation and unity among nations, which contradicted fascist ideals of extreme nationalism and expansionist goals
    1. Why is total war the only kind of war for fascists?
    • it allows for the complete mobilization of society and resources towards achieving the regime's ideological and militaristic objectives
    1. How are authoritarianism and populism distinct from fascism, even if they share some characteristics, according to the video?
    • Authoritarianism and populism may share some characteristics with fascism, but they typically lack its extreme ideology, cult of personality, and desire for total control over society and economy
    1. To what extent does facism explain the causes and consequences of World War II?
    • Fascism played a significant role in causing World War II through aggressive expansionism, militarization, and the pursuit of racial supremacy, leading to devastating consequences for millions worldwide
    1. Why did the rise of fascism historically cause conflict? What is it about fascism that makes it likely to create violence?
    • The rise of fascism historically caused conflict due to its aggressive expansionism, suppression of dissent, and promotion of militarism, which often resulted in clashes with other nations and internal violence driven by the regime's authoritarian nature.