gram negative organisms are usually unable to colonise the dry environment of the skin
bacteria can penetrate the skin by:
abrasions, existingdiseases of skin, burns, surgicalwounds, bites,instrumentation
endogenous bacteria sources
exogenous bacteria sources
environment (dirt, water, hospitalequipment)
staphylococci appearance
grampositive, pairs or shortchains, grape like clusters
catalase positive, non-motile, facultative anaerobic, able to grow in high saltconcentrations, cultured on HBA
caused by S.aureus, infection and inflammation of bone marrow, high fever, increased heart rate
osteomyelitis diagnosis: Blood cultures, puscultures, and radiologicimaging to guide diagnosis
streptococci: Gram-positive cocci that form pairs, short and/or longchains on staining
catalase negative, nonmotile, facultativeanaerobic, cultured on HBA
S. pyogenes
superficialpustular inflammation of hairfollicle, caused by bacteria gaining entry through abrasions, usually caused by s.aureus
deepinfection of hairfollicle, pus filled, nodule can rupture spontaneously
multipleboils, malaise and fever, caused by s.aureus
pusforming infection, caused by s.aureus or s.pyrogens
crusted impetigo
yellowcrustedulcerativeerosions, itchy
largeblisters with fluid, blistersrupture easily, caused by saureus
superficial infection of the skin, rapidlyspreading, usually on lowerextremities, fever, almost always caused by s.pyrogens
people at risk for erysipelas
infants, young children, olderadults, immunocompromised
cellulitis: Infection of the skin that extends into the dermis and often involves the subcutaneoustissue, can also be caused by fresh or saltwatergramnegative rods
cellulitis infected sites
tender and swollen, red, borders arent usually raised