Excretory and Skeletal System

Cards (19)

  • Excreation is any process that gets rid of unwanted waste from the body
  • Main organs involved in excreation are your skin, lungs, liver and kidney's.
  • Excretory System
    The body system which excretes unwanted waste through the skin, lungs, liver and kidneys.
  • Lungs in Excreation
    Excretes carbon dioxide
  • Kidneys in excretion
    Excretes urea, water and other chemicals that are in excess
  • Liver in Excretion

    Breaks down toxins for excretion
  • Joints
    Where two bones meet. The bones are held together by ligaments. Cartilage is covered in synovial fluid at the end of the bones to stop them from scraping against eachother.
  • Pivot Joint
    Allows for twisting movement. This type of joint is between the skull and the spine.
  • Hinge joint
    Allow movement in only one axis, like your elbows and knees
  • Ball and socket joints
    Joints that allows movement in many directions, like your hip and shoulder joints.
  • Muscles
    They are connected to the bones with tendons. As they extend and contract, bones are moved around accordingly.
  • Involuntary Muscles

    Muscles that a contract and relax automatically, such as the heart muscles.
  • Voluntary Muscles
    Muscles that you choose to move. This is any movement of your body that you actually think about.
  • Immovable joint
    Joints that do not move such as skull joints. Their benefit is that they provide soft tissue between bones, and absorb energy from big knocks.
  • Bones on the inside
    Bones have several layers. On the inside, they have bone marrow (where white blood cells are made) and spongy tissue.
  • Bones on the outside
    Bones have several layers. Protecting the soft insides is a hard covering made from calcium and phosphorus.
  • Bones at the joints

    The ends are covered with cartilage and synovial fluid to prevent bones from grinding together.
  • Ligaments
    Fiberous tissue that connects bones to bone
  • Tendons
    Strong, flexible tissue that connects muscles to bones