Cards (7)

  • Why did Britain have the world's largest navy?
    Britain had the world's largest navy to protect its vast empire and maintain control over global trade routes
    1. Why did Britain and Germany get into an arms race and why did Britain win?
    • germany felt that navy ships were a way of power so they built its own navy
    • this threatened britian bc their economy and everything was dependent on navy ships so if someone else was doing the same thing they could have more power than britian
    • british won bc germany was also tryna build the biggest army in europe. british was able to focus on their fleets and innovations while german had to keep track of two things  
  • What type of person served on the Guard Regiments?
    The Guards Regiments typically attracted individuals from aristocratic or upper-class backgrounds, as well as those with connections to influential families or a strong military tradition
  • How did Belgium pull Britain into the war?
    Belgium pulled Britain into the war because Germany's invasion of Belgium violated Belgian neutrality, which Britain had pledged to uphold
  • Why is the poppy a symbol of the war?
    The poppy became a symbol of the war due to the poem "In Flanders Fields" by John McCrae, which described poppies growing on the battlefield graves. It became a symbol of remembrance for those who died in the war
    1. To what extent does Britain and WWI explain how governments used a variety of methods to conduct war?
    • Britain's involvement in WWI demonstrates how governments used propaganda, censorship, conscription, economic mobilization, and technological innovation to conduct war
    • These methods were employed to  sustain morale, control the narrative, and ensure the efficient allocation of resources towards the war effort
  • During World War I, how did Britain's economic system provide the nation with advantages, but also create vulnerabilities?
    Britain's economic system provided advantages through industrial capacity and financial resources, but it also created vulnerabilities due to reliance on overseas trade routes, disruptions in labor supply, and war-related inflation