Cards (22)

  • Casein
    Name for a family of related Phosphoproteins
  • Casein
    • Makes up 80% of the proteins in cow's milk and between 20%-45% in human milk
    • The most important protein in milk which supplies essential amino acids as well as carbohydrates, Ca and P
    • Functions as storage protein which consists high number of non-interacting proline peptides
    • With relatively weaker tertiary structure, it can not denature
    • Relatively hydrophobic
    • Has a negative charge in milk (milk's pH=6.6)
  • Isolation of Casein by Acidification
    1. Precipitation with 10% acetic acid
    2. Addition of ethyl alcohol-ethyl acetate mixture and filtration
    3. Drying
    4. Addition of NaOH & H2O
  • Proteins are least soluble in water at their isoelectric points
  • Biuret Test
    General test for proteins, when protein reacts with copper(II) sulfate, a positive test is the formation of a copper complex which has a violet color
  • Ninhydrin Test

    Amino acids with free NH2 group and proteins containing free amino groups react with ninhydrin to give a purple-blue complex
  • Ninhydrin
    Most commonly used to detect fingerprints, as the terminal amines of lysine residues in peptides and proteins sloughed off in fingerprints react with ninhydrin
  • Isoelectric point (pI)

    The pH at which the majority of molecules of a compound in solution have no net charge
  • Zwitterion
    Molecule has positive charge on one atom and negative charge on another atom, but which, no net charge
  • Equilibrium shifts with change in pH
    1. Upon addition of an acid, H3O+ protonated the -COO-
    2. Upon addition of a base, the -NH3+ is deprotonated to donate to the -OH- from the base
  • pH of milk: 6.6
  • pH of milk is above the pI of casein

    Casein has a net negative charge
  • Casein has a pI lower than the pH of milk
    Casein has no net charge
  • pH at which no precipitation occurs: ~ pH 4 - 5
  • pI of casein: pH 4.6
  • Uses of Casein
    • Paint
    • Glue
    • Cheesemaking
    • Protein supplements
    • Medical and Dental Uses
  • Paint
    • casein paint is a fast drying, water-soluble medium used by ancient artists until the late ‘60s and became less popular with the advent of acrylic paint
  •  Glue 
    • casein based-glues were popular for woodworks
  • Cheesemaking 
    • cheese consists of proteins and fats from milk and is produced by coagulation of casein
  • Protein supplements
    • can form a gel and clot in the stomach which provides a sustained slow release of amino acids into the bloodstream
  •  Medical and Dental Uses 
    • casein – derived compounds are used in tooth remineralization products to stabilize amorphous calcium phosphate
  • pH of milk : 6.6
    • This pH is above the pI of casein, thus, at this pH, casein has a net negative charge
    • This results to an electrostatic attraction between casein proteins in milk
    • The aggregates of proteins is observed as precipitate
    • Addition of acetic acid lowers the pH of the milk
    • Casein has a pI lower than the pH of milk, where it has no net charged
    • At neutral charge, no electrostatic attraction occurs between proteins, thus, no precipitate is formed
    •  pH at which no precipitation occurs : ~ pH 45
    •  pI of casein : pH 4.6