Factors Affecting Businesses and Industries

Cards (8)

  • What are the factors Affecting Businesses and Industries
    1 E.C - Economic Condition
    2. S.E - Social Environment
    3. G. Governement
    4. E.C - Economic Changes
    5. P.C - Political Changes
    6. C.t - Changes in Technology
    7. E.f - Environmental Factors
  • This is a factor that involves
    • economy like the weather. Sometimes it's sunny (good economy), and sometimes it's stormy (bad economy).
    • When the weather is nice, people are happy and spend more money. But when it's stormy, people save money and buy less stuff.
    Economic Condition
  • It is a factor that pertains
    • about how people live and what they like. It's like knowing what games your friends like to play.
    • If everyone starts liking healthy food, stores will sell more fruits and vegetables.
    Social Environment
  • It is a factor yhat involbrs people that
    • makes rules, like how your parents set rules at home.
    • These rules can be about taxes, worker rights, or keeping the environment clean.
  • This is a factor
    • like when new toys come out, and everyone wants them. It's about new trends and technologies.
    • Businesses have to keep up with what's new and popular
    Economic Changes
    • This factor is about changes in government leaders and their decisions, like how a new teacher might have different classroom rules.
    • These changes can affect how businesses operate.
    Political Changes
    • It pertains ti the factor like new inventions that can change how we do things, like how tablets and smartphones changed how we play and learn.
    Changes In Technology
    • This factor is about how the environment, like climate and resources, affects businesses.
    • Companies try to be eco-friendly because people care about the planet
    Environmental Factors