establishing cause-effects relationships by conducting experiments
must include dependant and independant variables
control and experimental groups
Non-experimental Research:
cannot control, manipulate or alter the predictor variables or subjects.
instead relys on interpretation, observation or interactions to come to a conclusion
cannot be cause-effect e.i. X causes Y
observational study:
involves indervidual observing another indervidual or group of people in a natural environment, and recording information about the behaviour they witness.
relys of observers interpretation therefore subject to observer bias
Case studies:
in-depth investigations of a singe person, group, event or community
reaserch may continue for exptended period of time, so processes and developments can be studied as they happen
e.g Phineas Gage
the collection of participants from the population you will be studying
the entire group of people belonging to a particular catagory of reaserch interest.
Convenience sampling:
involves selecting participants off reaserches accessability to them, or the participants availability.
e.g sampling only one class at a school
Random sampling:
employs carefully planned and systematic method of selecting participants for a study
ensures every member of a population has an equal change of being selected for the sample
e.g pulling names out of a hat
stratified sampling:
involves breaking population into 'strata', or groups basses on characteristicts they share
once divided participants randomly selected from each strata
should represent population and be in same ratio as they are in population.
Random allocation of participants:
a technique that ensures that every member of the sample has an equal chance of being assigned to either of the groups used in the experiment
extraniouse variables:
any variable other than the IV that can cause change in the results
unwanted effect of experiments
Confounding variables:
when an EV has a confounding effect on the results.
Experimenter effect:
the difference in how the experimenter treats the participants due to an EV.
Demand characteristics:
they EV that can effect the coutcome of the study
they are cue that may nudge participants to consciously or unconsciously change theur responses
can be front, rumors about study, study procedure, study setting etc
ways to minimuse effects of EV and confounding variables: