
Cards (16)

  • OCD
    condition characterised by obsessions and compulsions
  • Lewis - genetic vulnerability
    • 37% of parents with OCD
    • 21% siblings with OCD
  • candidate genes 

    genes that create vulnerability (e.g. 5H1-D - transport serotonin)
  • Aetiologically heterogeneous
    different variations of genes can cause OCD
  • diathesis-stress model 

    • certain people more likely to develop a mental disorder but is not certain
    • some environmental stress (experience) is necessary to trigger the condition
  • Taylor - polygenic meta-analysis 

    230 candidate genes associated with regulating mood in OCD (e.g. dopamine + serotonin)
  • genetic explanaition points
    • genetic vulnerability
    • candidate genes
    • aetiologically heterogeneous
    • polygenic
    • diathesis-stress
  • neural explanations
    • role of serotonin
    • decision-making systems
  • Decision-making
    impaired decision-making due to impairment of the temporal frontal lobe
  • Unpleasant emotions
    left hippocampal gyrus
  • Structure of the brain
    left hippocampal gyrus (regulating mood)
    temporal frontal lobes (decision-making)
  • Nestadt et al - twin studies
    68% twins MZ
    31% twins DZ
    Diagnosed family member = you are 4 X more likey to be diagnosed with OCD
  • Kiara et al - diathesis-stress
    half OCD patients experienced trauma
    genetic vulnerability only increases the risk of development if there is a stressful environmental trigger
    Biological explanation is deterministic - ignores environmental factors
  • Ahmari et al - mice

    little predictive value due to number of candidate genes
    found genes associated with repetition
    cannot apply to humans
  • Neural research support -
    antidepressants that work on serotonin are effective in reducing OCD symptoms
    suggest serotonin's envolvement
  • Not spekal neural system - comorbidity
    serotonin-OCD link not unique to OCD
    comorbidity of clinical depression
    so serotonin levels could be due to depression