'a man whose judgement must be dregded out of experience and a peasant-like common sense. A man among men.' pg6
'well that's what a war does. i had two sons, now i got one. it changed all the tallies.' pg11
detachedshort declarative
'i ignore what i gotta ignore.' pg16
'You got a business here, what the hell is this?' pg 17
'I can afford another bag of potatoes.' pg18
'Calm yourself... calm yourself... all right, all right, calm yourself.' pg 22
Kellers speech: 'listen...but very slow, and with a smile...bigger than ever' pg30
'Kid, walkin' down the street that day I was guilty as hell. Except I wasn't, and there was a courtpaper in my pocket to prove I wasn't, I and I walked… past… the porches. Result? Fourteen months later I had one of the best shops in the state again, a respected man again; bigger than ever. ' pg30
American materialism and superlatives
'The beast. I was the beast.' pg30
'the man was a fool but don't make a murderer out of him.' pg32
syntactic parallelism
'see it human, see it human.' pg32
'little man... always scared of loud voices' 'if i could have gone in that day i'd a told him - junk em' '... little man does... alone he was afraid.' pg32
semantic field of infantilization
'that's a mistake... but it ain't murder.' pg33
'its crazy, but it comes to my mind. She don't hold nothin' against me, does she?' pg37
paranoia reflected in interrogatives
'im going to build you a house, stone, with a driveway from the road. I want you to spread out. Chris, I want you to use what I made for you...[he is close to him now]... i mean, with joy, Chris, without shame... with joy.'
end focus 'joy'
'[frightened, but angry]' pg40
MOTHER: 'he's worried. When he's worries he sleeps.' p41
tragic notion of sleep - lady macbeth
'there was a court paper in my pocket to prove I wasn't, I and I walked… past… the porches. Result?... a respected man again; bigger than ever. ' pg30
'a little man makes a mistake and they hang him by the thumbs; the big ones become ambassadors.' pg63
'he never flew a p-40, whats the matter with you? whats the matter with you? whats the matter with you?... whats the matter with you! ' pg69
epizuexis building into exclamative
'you're a boy, what could i do! im in business, a man is in business,a hundred and twenty cracked , your out of business ... what could i do... let them take my life away?' pg69
'you wanted money, so i made money. what must i be forgiven? you wanted money, didn't you?' pg76
'chris, a man can't be a jesus in this world!' pg83
'Sure, he was my son. But i think to him they were all my sons.' pg83
'im his father and he's my son, and if theres something bigger than that i'll put a bullet in my head!' pg 77
'a shot is heard in the house' pg84
'the man was a fool but don't make a murderer out of him' pg 32
past perfect
'that happens, thats the business... he's a little man, your father, always scared of loud voices.' pg32
'im older than you and i know - a daughter is a daughter and a father is a father.' pg49
'[a commanding outburst in his high nervousness]: a father is a father! [as though the outburst has revealed him, he looks about, wanting to retract it]' pg49