analysed quotes ann

Cards (17)

  • 'gentle but despite herself capable of holding fast to what she knows.' pg23

    Ann's stage direction are telling of how she approaches conflict in the play: she is not easily deffered and sticks to her own opinions.
    Gentle shows through at the end as she reveals she truly wants to be married - the sadness of being a widow shines through.
    subverts theme of denial,
    Gender roles, intergenerational conflict, power of the past, moral courage of informer,
  • '[delicately] you mean am i still waiting for him?'
    'but thats what you mean, isnt it?' pg27

    Pursues conversation
    Interrogative, shift to direct language,
  • 'i don't write him... [a little ashamed but determined] no, ive never written to him' pg31

    Unmitigated declarative = emphasises the clean split between Ann and her father, sticking to her moral values, sacrificing relationship with father for morals, like he sacrificied pilot for money (was accused of).
  • Whilst the Kellers background has been set up to be a comfortable area of the neighbourhood: this begins to fall apart alongside Ann's discomfort being there.
    Her short, unmitigated declarative begin to break, ellipsis = awks and uncomfortable.v

    'no sorry, no. but im...not going to stay...'
  • 'And the money, there's nothing wrong in your money. Your father put hundreds of planes in the air, you should be proud. A man should be paid for that…' pg36

    perspective resembles kellers
    moral ambiguity
    epanalepsis - focus on money and morality 'nothing wrong'
    determiner 'should'
  • 'i guess i never grew up.... gosh those dear dead days beyond recall.' pg25

    Miller idea of 'chicken coming home to roost' (and ibsonian)
    her placid relationship with the past - perhaps prohibited with her cutting of her father.
    contrasts the fraught memories held by kellers of the past - emphasising their avoidance
    time - supernatural essence of the backgarden
  • 'thats a lie. people come here all the time for cards and...' pg45

    realisation that the kellers might not be as innocent as they seem.
    generic pronoun 'people'
    denial and deciet - she can only list what keller has just mentioned, nothing further than that actually provides proof of innocence
  • 'im not here out of a blue sky, chris. i turned my back on my father, if theres anything wrong here now.' pg47

    religious imagery - she's not a god, all knowing,
    she has reasons to be here, purpose behind her presence
    ultimate betrayal - theme of family
    uncertainty about the keller family growing, things falling apart.
    seeking validation or understanding / confirmation from chris.
  • 'your not going to marry him.
    why am i not going to marry him?' pg53

    syntactic parralelisis - stichomythia
    gender roles
    unmitigated decalarative vs unmitigated interrogative
    strength of ann as a female widow
  • i'll do nothing about joe, but you're going to do something for me.' pg78
    selfish but justifiable, looses morals for marriage.
    hubris = pride in marriage requirement.
  • ann monologue pg78
    ann has her own selfish motivations in the play, she has flaws.
    she wants kate to clean the slate so she can move on and build her new life with chris, attain her american dream.
    american dream, family, denial
  • 'you understand me? im not going out of here alone. theres no life for me that way.' pg78 

    patriarchal society decides she needs a male figure to survive.
    survivors guilt
    she understand her place in society is to be married, a mother
    unmarried is death
    raison de'tre for women is marriage and building a family
  • 'i want you to set him free.' pg78

    from the moral corruption
    zoomorphic, chris = bird
  • 'you had two sons, but you've only got one now.' pg78

    mirrors keller, war is loss, larry is dead
    chris is anns, she has to let him go otherwise she will lose him completely.
  • 'larry is dead, kate.'
    moral courage of the informer.
    pg78 is key to ann, she is carrying out what she came to do.
  • you made me show it to you. you wouldnt believe me. i told you a hundred times, why wouldnt you believe me!' pg79

    she didnt want this, anadiplosis
  • pg78 - 82 is key for annie.
    she is delivering the truth, the nemesis
    breaking the kellers apart, but she knows she must do it to achieve chris, her own happiness, and for the moral good of america
    she struggles through it - showing her moral good.