Occurs when an atom of an elementloses one or more electrons and donates it to an atom of a different element.
The atom that loses electrons becomes positively charged and the atom that gains an electron becomes negatively charged.
Ions occur when an atom loses/gains an electron making it either positively/negatively charged.
Negatively charged ion = Anion
Positively charged ion = Cation
Ionic bonds are held together by the opposite charges in them. This is called electrostatic attraction.
Strength of electrostatic force is dependent on the strength of the ionic bond which is dependent on the ionic charge and ionic radii.
The more electrons a positive ion has, the more shells it will have and that means the ionic radius increases and the further the electrons are from the nuclues the weaker the electrostatic force.
The more electrons you gain/lose the higher the ionic charge, the stronger the electrostatic force