Functions & Features

Cards (10)

  • A two party system (duopoly) means that power is shared between two leading political parties.
  • A two-and-a-half-party system means that a smaller party may hold the balance of power.
  • Left-wing political ideas:
    • Collectivist view of society
    • Reduce inequality
    • Extensive welfare state
    • Redistributive taxation
    • Close relationships with trade unions
    • Multiculturalism
  • Right-wing political ideas:
    • Individualism
    • Free market operates best with little governmental interference
    • Low taxation
    • Trade union influence limited
    • Privatisation
    • Traditional lifestyles
  • Adversary politics is used to denote a period when there are vast ideological differences between the two main parties.
  • Consensus politics is used when parties are so ideologically similar that their policies are very similar.
  • Mandate - if a political party wins a general election, it can claim the legitimate right, or mandate, from the electorate to try to implement its manifesto promises.
  • Main functions:
    • Selecting candidates for election
    • Providing the personnel of government
    • Electing a leader
    • Creating a manifesto
    • Campaigning
    • Representation
  • If no party has achieved a parliamentary majority, then a coalition (2010) or a minority (2017) government will be established. In these circumstances the principle of the mandate does not operate smoothly since the government cannot rely on an unequivocal electoral mandate from the public.
  • A government can also claim a 'doctor's mandate', which means that it can propose measures not included in its manifesto in response to changing political circumstances.