External respiration

Cards (49)

  • External respiration:
    Oxygen diffuses from alveoli into pulmonary cpaillaroes. Carbon dioxide moves in the opposite direction
  • What is gas exchange?
    Gases move from the alveolar air and blood by passive diffusion
  • what is the contact time?
    0.75 with alveoli and reaches equilibrium in about 0.25 seconds
  • What occurs to diffusion rate with excerise?
    heart rate increases so blood flow increases so time for diffusion decreases
  • why might we run out of oxygen during heavy exercise?
    As blood flow increases less time for oxygen diffusion, so less oxygen in blood
  • what is partial pressure?

    individual gas pressure it exerts
  • How to work out partial pressure?
    total pressure X percentage it occupies
  • what is the composition of air?
    • 78.09% nitrogen PP=593.5mmHg
    • 20.95% oxygen PP=159.2mmHg
    • 0.93% argon (& other inert gases)
    • 0.03% carbon dioxide PP= 0.23mmHg
  • what is pressure at sea level?
    760 mmHg
  • what is the limiting factor of breathing at sea level?
    Co2 levels
  • what is the limiting factor at altitude?
    Oxygen levels
  • what occurs if you live at high altitudes all your life?

    they have a barrel chest
  • what occurs with COPD?
    barrel chest
  • what is the respiratory membrane?
    alveolar walls and blood vessel walls
  • Describe alveolus:
    • elastic fibres for movement and stretch
    • macrophage (dust cells) for filtration
    • 2 types of alveolar cell (pulmonary epithelial cells)
  • what happens to dust cells in smokers?
    Smoke particles collects into dust cells
  • Which type of alveoli cell releases surfactant?
    type 2
  • what is the surfactant like?
  • what does surfactant do?
    lowers surface tenstion
    Increases in surface area
  • when is surfactant produced in prenatal?
    from week 26
  • how to treat respiratory distress syndrome?
    cortisol treatment in mother
  • What makes up the respiratory membrane structure?
    • Type 1 alveolar cells
    • Alveolar basement membrane
    • Interstitial space: elastic fibres
    • Capillary basement membrane
    • Capillary endothelium
  • what affects gas exchange?
    • surface are
    • diffusionn distance
    • diffusion gradient
  • what increases surface area?
    mutliple small alveoli increase surface are
  • what do healthy alveoli look like?
    spherical structure that have a 80-100 square meters
  • diffusion distance increases with fluid and mucus in the lungs
  • Rate of diffusion is explained by Fick’s law and means that diffusion of gas is slow if the diffusion thickness increases
  • how do gases move?
    from high to low PP
  • when is repeated replenishment increased?
    with high PO2 and low Co2
  • what is ventilation?
    Amount of air reaching the alveoli per min
  • how do ventilation and perfusion related?
    The rate of oxygen uptake depends on the rate at which it is supplied (ventilation), and the rate at which it is removed (perfusion).
  • what is perfusion?
    amount of blood reaching the alveolid per min
  • what does a mismatch of V/P (V/Q) lead to ?
    respiratory failure
  • how to detect embolism?
    V/P (V/Q) scan
  • where might you find a V/Q ratio mismatch?
    top of lungs (lots of air - dead space)
  • what occurs more at bottom of lungs?
    more diffusion
  • What occurs at the apex of the lungs?
    Higher V/Q ratio, there more ventilation
  • what occurs when V/Q = infinity?
    no perfusion
  • what does a high V/Q mean?
    more ventialtion
  • what does V/Q =0 mean?
    Perfusion but no ventilation