svalbard casestudy

Cards (12)

  • what are the economic opportunities in svalbard
    1. mineral extraction
    2. energy development
    3. fishing
    4. tourism
  • what are the opportunities in svalbard with mineral extraction
    1. 300 new people employed in mines
    2. 2014- new mine opened lunkckefjell near svea constructed over glacier
    3. rich resources of coal
  • what are the opportunities in svalbard with energy development
    1. generates electricity in longyearbynen power station
    2. norway is the only coal fired power station
  • what are the opportunities in svalbard with fishing
    1. cold waters of barents sea - south of svalbard - richest in the world
    2. 150 species of fish e.g. hearing, haddock
    3. breeding nursery for fish stocks
    4. controlled by russia and norway so sustainable
  • what are the opportunities in svalbard with tourism
    1. 2018- 156000 visitors
    2. 2011- 70000 visited longyearbyen
    3. visit glaciers ]
  • what are the risks of oil leaks
    1. polluted rivers
    2. trees killed
    3. habitats polluted and destroyed
  • what are the economic challenges in svalbard
    1. construction
    2. accessibility
    3. services
    4. extreme weather
  • what are the issues with extreme weather
    1. -30 temperatures are dangerous to work in
    2. lots of layers are needed which are difficult to work in
  • what are the issues with construction
    1. lack of daylight
    2. permafrost
    3. dirt and gravel tracks
  • what are the issues of services
    1. overground pipes
  • what are the issues with accessibility
    1. only access by sea and air
    2. only main settlements connected by roads
    3. snow mobiles are needed
  • where is svalbard
    1. close to the midatlantic ridge
    2. most of the population live in longyearbyen