I.C.T. - G7_4th Quarter

Cards (42)

  • Programming language is used to allow programmers to write code designed to communicate instructions to a computer
  • Problem definition this is the first stage in developing a program where you identify the problem, analyze the problem, identify the output, identify the input, identify the process and how to accomplish the desired output.
  • Developing an Algorithm is the stage where we plan the blueprint of the problem by creating an algorithm.  An algorithm is the step-by-step procedure in solving a problem.
  • Coding it is the actual writing of the program using programming languages.
  • Testing and debugging is the process of testing the actual program if it conforms to the syntax of the programming language used.  It also checks if it achieved the expected output of the program
  • Maintenance this is the stage where the program is being monitored and checked if it continues to provide the expected output
  • Visual Basic is an object-oriented type of programming language
  • Visual Basic was developed by Microsoft in 1991
  • Flowchart refers to the graphical representation of an algorithm using different symbols, shapes, and arrows to show a process as a solution to a problem
  • Algorithm is a step-by-step procedure in solving a problem
  • The terminal symbol indicates the beginning and ending of a flowchart.
  • The Preparation or Initialization is a symbol that initializes the value of variables or constants in a program.
  • The input or output symbol indicates an input or output activity in a flowchart.
  • Process Symbol represents a mathematical process or operation in a flow chart.
  • Decision Symbol represents a logical process or operation in a flow chart.
  • On-page connector is a symbol that indicates a continuation of flowchart within the same page.
  • Off-page connector is a symbol that indicates a continuation of a flowchart on the other page.
  • Pre-defined symbol is used to indicate a sub-flowchart or module.
  • Flow lines or arrows are symbols that are used to indicate the flow and interconnect the different flowcharting symbols.
  • Designing the interface is the first step in writing a visual basic program.
  • Syntax are rules of a programming language.
  • Toolbox is a part of the VB.Net Environment where you can find all the controls that can be used to design the graphical user interface of the application.
  • Properties Windows is a part of the VB.Net Environment where you can modify or set the attributes of the form and controls.
  • Controls are buttons, text boxes, labels, checkboxes, drop-down menus, or also known as objects on a form.
  • Radio button is a VB control that provides the capability to make a mutually exclusive choice among a group of potential candidate choices. The user can only select one option from the given list.
    • Form Designer Window art of the VB.Net Environment that contains objects or controls used for the application.
  • List box is a VB control that displays a list of items from which the user can choose multiple selections from the list.
  • Combo box is a VB control that allows the user to choose only a single selection and edit the selected value.
  • Picture box is a VB control used to include graphics on a form.
  • Button is a VB control which the user can click and release to perform some action.
  • Label is a VB control that is used to display text that a user can't edit directly.
  • Textbox is a VB control that is used to display information and accept input from the user.
  • MsgBox is a VB control that is used to produce a pop-up message box and prompt the user to click on a button.
  • Solution explorer is a window that contains the project files: solution name, the project name and all the forms used in the project.
  • Dim is used to declare and allocate storage space for one or more variables.
  • Dim Variable Name As Data Type is the Correct way of declaring variables Visual Basic.
  • Prompt, will display the message in the message box.
  • The Style Value will determine what type of command buttons appear on the message box
  • The Title argument will display the title of the message box.
  • Debugging is a technique used in Visual Basic to identify and fix errors in the code