Data organisation is the practice of categorizing and classifyingdata to make it moreusable for example a file folder.
The two common vector graphics
Computer graphics metafile (.cgm)
scaleable vector graphics (.svg)
The 5 components of a project design
Product purpose and design criteria
Target audience characteristics
project presentation medium
situation analysis
style guide
The three types of audio files
Moving pictures experts group (.mp3)
waveform audio file format (.wma)
windows media audio file (.wma)
The 2 types of management of software
installation of software
update of software
The 5 raster graphics
bitmap (.bmp) imagefile
graphical interchange fomat (.gif) file
joint photogentic expert group (JPEG)imagefile (.jpg / .jpeg)
taggedimagefile (.tif)
portable network graphics (.png)
The two types of spreadsheets
Meaning of Vlookups
searches vertically down a column
Meaning of a Hlookups
searches horizontallyacross a specficrow for a matching value.
What year was the copyright created
Three things that are included with the copyright act
fair dealing
private use
moral rights
Whats the meaning of fair dealing and example?
allows the limiteduse of copyrightmaterialwithoutusershaving to obtainlicenses to usematerial and without having to obtainpermission
What‘s the copyright act 1968?
Copyright is protecting the rights of the creators of thoseworks. Copyright is automatic protection for allworks.
How long does copyright last for?
Copyright lasts for the life of the author plus70 years than it gets passed to the publicdomain and becomes free use for public.
What’s a copyright free?
Refers to a artist who has waived their copyrightrights.
meaning of public domain
The state of belonging or beingavailable to the public as a whole, especially through not being subject to copyright.
Meaning of creative common licences
An intertionally active non profit orgainisation that provides free liceneces for creators to use when makingtheirworkavailable to the public.
The meaning of copyright council
it provides advocacy, advice and information on copyright issues.
The 7 types of fair dealings
Criticism and review
when you need to assist a person with a disability
parody and satire
references for work or school
The 4 Types of software licences
Open and closed source
Meaning of open And closed source and examples of them
Anopen source is publicly avaliable to anyone who wants it and programmerscanread or chnage that code if they desire.
Example: Audacity
an closed source is a code thats only available to a restricted audience like classified information
Example: Microsoft Office
Meaning of proprietary and example
Asoftware thats privatelyowned,controlled and distributedunderspecificlicensing terms that restricts users rights to modify,distribute or access its underlying source code.
Example: Microsoft windows
Meaning of shareware and an example
A commercialwebsite that is distributedfreetousers, eventually either requiring or encouraging users to pay for continuedsupport of the software.
Example: adobe acrobat
Meaning of freeware and example
A type of a proprietarysoftware that is released without a charge to the public But is a copyrighted by its developer who retainstherights to control its distributions.
Example: Google chrome
Meaning of deformation
Is any falseinformation that can riskharming the repetition of a person,business, or organisation.
Meaning of private use and example
Privateuse is getting a full copy of something of works but aren'tallowed to gain profit from that work.
Example: Buying a movie
The meaning of moral rights
The rights of craetors of copyrighted works generally recongnized in civil low jurisductions. Moralrightsrequire the creatorsname always shown on their works.
What are the 3 rights of attribution
The rights for the creator to have attributed to them and name as his or her work
the rights against false attributions to stop someone else from being credited as the other of its work
the rights of integrity the right of an author to ensure their work is not subjected in a negative or illegal way
Whats the appropriate referencing techniques for digital publications?
Author of the publication
title of the publication
in text and end text referencing
url to the publication
Whats intellectual property?
It refers to an intellectual creation it can be anything from a name, creation or idea.
3 types of areas involved in intellectual property and meaning of each
trademarks (logos / designs)
patent (An exclusive rightgranted for an invention,product or process of a creation)
Registered designs (Protects the shape,configuration,pattern or ornamentation of a product)
Whats the meaning of digital citizenship?
Refers to the skills and knowledge an individual needs to effectively use digitaltechnologies in positive way.
Meaning of the responsible use of social networking
Being mindful of your social media usage and take breaks when needed. Unfollow or mute accounts that can negativelyimpact your mental well being and create a positiveonlineexperience.
The 5 different forms of cyber bullying
spreading rumours
outing and trickery (gaining a person‘s trust than outing them)